1on1 Fashion Illustration Mentoring!

I’m now offering 1on1 online mentoring.

✅ Wanting to improve your illustration skills with direct feedback, homework and critique?

✅ Wanting to take your illustration career to the next level with 1on1 mentoring, advice, guidance and experience?

✅ Wanting a professional fashion illustrator’s opinion on your portfolio?

✅ Feeling stuck in a creative rut and needing some innovative illustration exercises and discussions?

Tailor the 1on1 sessions to suit your needs!

Thank you so much Scott the 1on1 mentoring sessions are just brilliant!!

You make them fun, informative, lighthearted yet focused and all the while gently nudging me towards my art goals!!
— Helen, 1on1 Fashion Illustration Mentee
Scott is always so helpful and constructive with his critiques but also making you feel like you’ve got this!
— Sophie, 1on1 Fashion Illustration Mentee


I’ve been asked about 1on1 mentoring for a while and thought I’d finally get my ducks in a row and sort it out!

Whilst doing my fashion illustration business and art course over the last few years, I’ve really enjoyed helping other illustrators, seeing all your work evolve, careers grow and your successes.

The course is so fun to get to know everyone but after the 8 weeks I know a lot of students aren’t quite sure of next steps for theirselves, so I thought the mentoring would be a good way to keep the structure of having someone giving you guidance and checking in but with mentoring it is completely bespoke and catered to your own needs and wants.

So unlike the courses which have a set structure, these mentoring sessions are built upon what your goals are, so you steer the ship and I help row the oar… or something like that…

1on1 Mentoring Session - Block of 4
Sale Price:£225.00 Original Price:£300.00

Do I need 1on1 mentoring?

Without sounding like I’m trying to get all the sales, I do genuinely think everyone would benefit from mentoring, even as basic as having someone to talk to on a regular basis about what your goals are and where you want to head.

As we’re all guilty of getting bogged down in the day to day and before we know it, a month or 2 has gone by and we haven’t made any progress. So mentoring can help as a way of having someone check you’re actioning what you should be and adds a little accountability, which we all could do with!

Think of it like a personal trainer but for your art or career, someone whose been through it and can help with advice to help you get to where you want to be!

Exactly What You'll Be Getting

The mentoring sessions are usually an hour long Zoom on a day and time that fits perfectly into your schedule.

If you book a single session…

You’d let me know what the focus is before the session, whether it’s a website review, portfolio go through, Instagram help etc. Then we’d focus on that in the session, going through where you currently are, offering advice and guidance and asking any questions you may have. You’ll hopefully be leaving the session with a clearer mind and set goals!

If you book more than one session…

We’ll figure out the focus and goal you want from the mentoring, we’ll discuss current issues, what you’re needing help with, I’ll answer any questions you may have, then we’ll set homework and goals for you to complete before the next session. In the next session we’ll go over the homework, check in on your goals and make sure you’re staying on track to achieve what you’re wanting!

Why should I be mentored by you?

A fair question!

I’m a professional fashion illustrator, who has worked with clients such as Christian Dior, Burberry, Gucci, Celine, Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Apple, Selfridges, Tiffany & Co, Hugo Boss and Armani. I’ve been a full time illustrator for over 3 years and have been freelancing for over a decade.

Over this time I’ve gained a lot of experience dealing with both the business side and creative side of the illustration and fashion industry. Learning how to get work, pitch to clients, get my name out there, make money, get an agent and build a social following all whilst exploring my creativity, honing my illustration skills, developing my own unique style and now getting hired by some of the biggest brands in the world.

For the past 3 years i’ve been running 2 masterclasses, one for business and one for drawing, both of which receive primarily 10/10 reviews from students who take them. These courses have given me experience in coaching and giving feedback to illustrators who are at various stages in their career and art journey.

I’ve previously worked as a Social Media Consultant, Marketing Manager and an Art Director for a various brands, so I have experience with being the person doing the creative hiring, an understanding of how businesses are run and the best way to get a brands attention.

All this experience combines to offer advice that has been lived, and works, as everything I have learnt and teach is what’s gotten me the career I have today!

So that’s enough of my talking, feel free to book your session above. You’ll be contacted after purchase to book a time slot and fill out a short form to help identify what your mentoring should focus on.

Any questions give me a DM on insta!

See you soon!
